Saturday, October 28, 2006
O Priest of Jesus Christ!

After the moment of priestly consecration, the seminarian is no longer the same. He is now a priest forever. In him comes a strength that was never there before… The priesthood marks the soul, changes the being and makes a man consecrated to God for all eternity.
Priests are Christ's hands, his feet, his eyes, his mind and his heart; they are the channels and the means through which he is going to give himself to humanity.
Through his priests, he will show people how much he loves them and how much he wants to be loved by them. Through them, he will make known his mercies. Through them, he will sow the peace that the angels announced from the day of his birth, when they sang above his cradle promising this peace to men of good will. Through them, he will make brothers of all nations, all races, and all social classes, wiping out all envy and hatred, uniting all people in a single heart and a single spirit in his divine Heart. style="FONT-FAMILY: arial"
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