Saturday, October 28, 2006

OPEN LETTER: Communion on Hand

I am not sure whether faithful Catholics as well as Church authorities are aware about the problem (or rather danger) of receiving communion on the hand.

A seminarian brought this matter to my attention earlier this year and I decided to check it out for myself. Thus, over the course of the past two weeks, I received communion on my hand. The results were shocking! 5 out of the 14 times I received communion on my hand, I noticed sacred fragments of the consecrated host left behind. I consumed the fragments by licking my palm.

The truth is that many people do not realize this grave matter and simply rub their palms together or on their clothing after the reception of our Lord’s sacred body. I’m sure that they cannot be held accountable for sacrilege. However, we should respond by rectifying this problem. If we do not do something, our Eucharistic Lord will continue to be trampled on each day at mass.

One dogma of the Church comes immediately to mind when examining the reception of the Sacred Host on hand:

The Eucharistic presence of Christ begins at the moment of the consecration and
endures as long as the Eucharistic species subsist. Christ is present whole and
entire in each of the species and whole and entire in each of their parts, in
such a way that the breaking of the bread does not divide Christ. (Catechism of
the Catholic Church 1377) [Note 205: Cf. Council of Trent: DS 1641.]

Therefore, very great reverence, respect and care is to be taken of these fragments. Since this is the case, why would we multiply immensely the number of persons who are handling the Sacred Host?

Also, St. Augustine tells us that:

“Each receives Christ the Lord, and He is entire in each portion. He is not
diminished by being given to many, but gives Himself whole and entire to
each.... the body of our Lord is contained whole and entire under the least
particle of the bread."

If this is so, what about the Fragments that are being left on the hands of the faithful? Very great reverence, respect and care are to be taken of these fragments.

The sure way to solve this problem is to encourage every Catholic to receive communion on the tongue. Pope Paul VI tells us in Memoriale Domini that this method of reception is also more conducive to faith, reverence and humility, affirming that, "This method, on the tongue, must be retained”.

To this must be added three points:

The Eucharist is Core to our Faith.
Let us give it the reverence it deserves.

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For the reasons stated on this post, i am personally against receiving Holy Communion on the hand and will vow never to do so personally.

Another thing: Receiving Holy Communion on the hand, standing up and popping God into your mouth like a piece of candy VERSUS receiving Holy Communion on the tongue and on your knees (like a dependent, reverent child) as the Sacred Host is placed carefully on your tongue by the priest himself.

of course, if others want to receive Him on the hand, then let them be.
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