Sunday, November 12, 2006

At Mass Today...

... a white man in his early 20's stole a consecrated host during communion. What was worst was that the warden did nothing when my friends waved frantically at her from their pews (2nd from the front) to alert her of the sacrilege that was taking place. During the post-communion, 3 people who had took notice of this sacrilege begin looking for the man. It was during the recessional that he was found- sitting at the 4th pew from the back. By this time a good number of people- wardens, faithful & altar servers- had surrounded the man and begin to question him. Fuming, he was insistent that he was Catholic and that he had consumend the host. When questioned again he said he consumed it when he returned to the pew (Any Catholic would know that he isn;t supposed to do that). When asked to empty his pockets, he only pulled out the sleeve of the left pocket. He stormed out of the Church soon after.

State law prevented a through body search as well as his detention.

What I'm digusted at is the warden's indifference when my two female friends frantically called for her. This reveals a whole mentality of many Singaporeans. Remember the case of the paramedic who dared not ram a faulty exit gantry some time ago at the Singapore Expo? He feared of the consequences of damaging the gantry; this resulted in the death of a young boy. What if my friends were having difficulity breathing or a heart attack? Out of her ignorance, our Lord's precious Body which he sacrificed for us on the Altar has been profaned.

What is more shocking are some Catholic's reaction to the matter plus their view of the Consecrated Host. There was a Catholic who did not believe fully in the Real Presence when he said that the precious Body of our Lord in the Host would become 'de-consecrated' and contain just the substance of the communion wafer when taken by the the non-believer. This is Lutheran/Anglican theology! Our Lord is present Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the consecrated Host!

One Aspirant to the priesthood who helped in pursuing the matter was crying that he could not do anything to stop the sacrilege knowing that Our Lord was stolen and will be desecrated some time soon in an occult service. For a grown man to cry like that shows his great love for our Lord in the Most Holy Eucharist. This is a stark difference to the above paragraph.

"Jesus is present: Body, Blood, Soul & Divinity in the Most Blessed Sacrament
of the Altar of Sacrifice"
This raises the issue of Communion in hand. Mike Warnke, a former satanist priest who converted to Christianity, warned the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops that Communion in the hand was a mistake, as it would allow satanists easier access in procuring the sacred Host, which is described in satanic services. Even St. Basil the Great (300-379 AD) had considered Communion in the hand a "grave fault". Communion on tongue would be a great deterent to those who desire to profane the Most Holy Eucharist. Read my post Stop Communion on Hand for more on why Communion in the hand should be abolished.

More details on the man who committed this Evil Act of sacrilege:

This guy is definately into the occult (he's been around lately) and would most likely strike again during the the lucrative 'trade' of stealing Consercated Hosts. For the love of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, please keep your eyes peeled for suspicious characters.

Please pray for reparation and his enlightenment.

Some other similar incidents:

A catechist friend, had went straight to a young boy and asked him to
consume host. Same thing happened to another friend, he approached
the culprit and asked if he could have the host if the guy was not
going to consume it.

Kyrie Eleison!
23rd Sunday AfterPentecost

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This may be contrary to where you're going here... but how do you know he didn't consume the host at the pew, like he said he did? Why do you just assume he didn't do this and is going to use it for some evil purpose? After being hounded by everyone, it's no wonder he left in a hurry. Consuming at his pew is wrong, certainly, but you certainly made sure he'll never come back again - not after undergoing all but a full cavity search by this congregation.
Sitting at the second pew from the front, it was clear that he put the host in his pocket by cleaverly switching hands. He did not answer 'Amen' when presented, "The Body of Christ" on 2 occassions.

Well, don't you find it strange that he refused to pull out his right pocket (the one in which he was seen putting the Host in)? There was a man present who was trained in questioning; he showed all the signs of being guilty.
O, how horrible! Our Lord is taken away in chains again and again tortured by the occult like He was truly tortured on Good Friday!

It is our solemn duty, when we become priests, to preserve the Truth - to defend Jesus Christ. And I agree that Communion in the hands is a mistake. In Pope John Paul II would not give out Communion in the hands.
Mike Warnke's story of being a Satanist priest was discredited nearly 15 years ago. Please refer to the follwing web site for more information on his story:
Its is really sad to see this kind of thing happening in Singapore....
well, what you should do is to write a polite letter to the parish priest and/or bishop telling him what happened. keep it short and concise, with only the facts.

It seems you don't get the main point here. Weather of not Mike Warnke's story is credited or not does not change the fact that it is easier for people to steal hosts during communion. This is not the first time people have been caught stealing hosts. The second most recent one happened at a church in the East. And many priests I know have related similar stories to me.

It is difficult for me to provide too much information here as I'm trying not to reveal the people involved and the parish in which the incident took place.

God bless.
Norman, rest assured that the Rector is well informed of the matter.

Truly it is sad to see our Lord being desecrated by such people. So many people disregard our Lord most present in the Holy Eucharist. I'm deeply saddened when I hear people talk lightly of the Real Presence when I relate this incident to them. As Moneybags, put it, "O, how horrible! Our Lord is taken away in chains again and again tortured by the occult like He was truly tortured on Good Friday!" All Catholics need "to preserve the Truth- to defend Jesus Christ"

God Bless.

Ps. How was the Carthusian documentary?

The first thing that needs to be done for Catholics to show more reverence to the Holy Eucharist (and in some places- to re-instill the doctrine of the Real Presence) is to abolish Communion on the hand. And the Priest's washing of hands after serving the communion.

Only consecrated hands should touch the body of Christ.
May God have mercy on us all.
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