Saturday, November 18, 2006
Season's Greetings
I visited Parkway Parade this evening to check out the Christmas light-up. The traditional greeting, "Merry Christmas" has disspeared extirely from all the decorations and signages. Replacing it is the phrase, "Season's Greetings". Frankly, I hate the latter and I even wonder if "Merry Christmas" has disapeared from the lexicon. Have we forgotten the true meaning of Christmas?

The Nativity Scene too, is now becoming a rare sight. The Nativity Scene is a strong, vivid reminder of Our Lord- the light of the world- descending from His throne in Heaven to be born as a vunerable babe for the sake of our salvation. In it's place are figurines of Santa and his elves, snowmen, etc...

Why are men so blind and ignorant. We have given our souls to the secular world; the empty bubble the world offers in the full-page ads and TV commercials. The true hapiness is turning away from sin and selfishness and giving ourselves entirely to Jesus whom we can rest assured to be with in heaven one day. As Advent approaches, may we pledge ourselves once more as ardent disciples of the Holy Babe of Bethleham and restore His social Kingship here on earth, until He comes in glory!
God of mercy of compassion, look with compassion upon me! Let me call thee Father. 'Tis thy child returns to Thee. Jesus Lord, I ask for mercy. Let me not implore in vain! All my sins I now detest them, help me not to sin again. But my sins I have deserved death and endless misery. Hell with all it pains and torments and for all eternity. Jesus Lord, I ask for mercy. Let me not implore in vain! By my sins I have abandoned. Right and claim to heaven above, where Saints rejoice forever in a boundless sea of love. Jesus Lord, I ask for mercy. Let me not implore in vain! Amen.
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Be sure to not shop in stores that don't allow workers to say Merry Christmas. Let us work to put Christ back in Christmas!
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Be sure to not shop in stores that don't allow workers to say Merry Christmas. Let us work to put Christ back in Christmas!
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