Friday, November 24, 2006

Vatican To Allow Use of Condoms?

AN UPDATE: Change of Vatican Policy on Condoms 'not an agenda'

It has been reported that the Chuch is reviewing it's total ban on the use of the contraceptive in bid to curb the spread of Aids. This step could be a historic shift for the Church. Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragan, Pope Benedict XVI's 'health minister' has been urging him to accept that in restricted circumstances, barrier contraception is the lesser of two evils.

Cardinal is a liberal force in the Church who is known to favor reform.

Apparantly, these forces in the Church are using the loophole in Pope John Paul II's, 1987 document: Donum Vitae. The document declares that the use of contraceptives could never be allowed in homosexual relationships or by men or women who were not married. The document however omitted to mention married couples.

The Italian daily, Corriere della Sera, has speculated that the Pope's decision could be announced as soon as Feb 2007- the 20th anniversary of the publication of Donum Vitae.

Papal theologian, Cardinal Georges Cottier has this to say,

"The virus is transmitted during a sexual act; so at the same time as (bringing)
life there is also a risk of transmitting death. And that is where the
commandment 'thou shalt not kill' is vaild."

Traditional Catholics would agree with me that putting oneself in the danger of sin would would be as bad as to commit sin itself. Therefore, in the first place, couples with a HIV positive spouse should not be having intercourse. The key word here is abstinece.

The sweet voices of liberalism are luring to the Church to submit to the calls by campaigners and organizations all around the world that are involved in the fight against Aids. These people believe that the legalization of the contraceptive would save millions of lives.

Well, have they (this includes Cardinal Georges Cottier) forgotten that the comdom is guilty for the development of the HIV pandemic in 1981, after the promiscuity it facilitated in the 1960's?

If anything, the condom is the cause of the pandemic, not its cure. It will trap the faithful in a destructive mindset. The sexually transmitted Herpes Simplex Virus is three times larger than HIV yet managed to create an epidemic in the USA in the condom era.

Turning to the condom for protection is a fool’s errand.
Evil is its own nemesis.

Our attempts to save our lives must never be at the cost of losing our souls. To use a condom in order to “save a life” nurtures a contradictory result instead, not only in the HIV pandemic itself but also in:

These elements of the Culture of Death, described by Pope John Paul II in 1995, are an insight into how the world has already deteriorated and how it continues to deteriorate.

We need to detach ourselves from this evil process!

Although it has been 11 years since the passing of Abp. M. Lefebvre, his mission and words are still very much alive in many of the faithful. Below is an extract of a sermon on his Sacerdotal Jubilee (23 September 1979) in Paris:

"...... Consecrate yourselves to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and to the
Immaculate Heart of Mary...... do not listen to these abominable slogans......
in this degenerate urban atmosphere in which we are living...... love creation
which the good Lord has made."

The Church cannot afford to compromise; when the frontline has fallen, everything behind it will disintegrate. What next: Women Priests? Married Clergy? Homosexual Marriages?

Let us ask our Immaculate Mother to pray for us sinners who have recourse to her: for the gift of PURITY. We must also pray for the the 'traditionally conservative' Vatican department responsible for safeguarding theological orthodoxy which will review the recommendations; may the Holy Spirit pilot them.

Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice,
Deo Juvante
Feast of St. John of the Cross, Confessor
Comm. of St. Chrysogomus, Martyr

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Personally I wouldn't worry about the lousy journalism from the BBC that started all this. The study has been submitted to the Holy Office. Just because a Cardinal thinks in a certain manner doesn't mean that the Holy See is going to change its stance entirely. For anything that happens within the Catholic Church I would rely on Zenit , CWNews and Catholic News Agency.

And well one doesn't even need to quote recent statements on this. Sacred Scripture is very clear on this.

"Those who say let us do evil that there may come good, their damnation is just." (Romans 3:8)

Sometimes you just got to love St Paul :)
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