Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Mass

This morning's 0000hr Mass in one of the East Coast parishes was one of the most beautiful Masses I've ever attended. Yes! A beautiful Novus Ordo Mass! I've never seen altar servers so reverent, top class music from the Choir, the vestments were beautiful, half of the liturgy was sung, and most of the congregation was... for the first time... silent during the Canon and actively participating in the hymns; many came dressed in their Sunday best (something that has become very rare), lastly, no one left the pews immediately after the final blessing.

Why can't we have this at all Masses? It is in the celebration of such Masses that I feel the Novus Ordo Mass can indeed be salvaged through the "Reform of the Reform" as called for by H.H. Pope Benedict XVI when he was Cardinal.


Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus! And restore you Church to it's former Glory! Bring peace and stabilty and unity to her and guide your Vicar on earth. Make each and every member of your True Church grow in love with one another, so that our witness may be stronger than ever. Bless all those who bear the name Roman Catholic, especially those who endeavour to preach orthodoxy and carry on tradition. Call more young people to yourself to be workers in your vineyard; ministers of your word and dispensers of your Sacraments. Through the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God & St. Joseph. Amen.

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Mass at midnight for me was the most beautiful Mass I've ever attended. I was assisting as a torchbearer along with other seminarians from the diocese. I was present in the Cathedral.

We had an amazing choir with such holy music. I knelt before the altar along with the other seminarians (all wearing cassocks and surplices) like was done in the Tridentine Mass. There was incense used consistently too. It was wonderful.
I posted about the music I heard on Christmas over at my blog, and I was pleased with the other elements of the Masses as well. Both parishes used incense and sanctuary bells; at one of them the priest told everyone to genuflect at "and was made man," then paused the recitation for everyone to do so; people came early and stayed late at all the Masses I attended...all in all, Christmas is a good time for Mass. :)

Now, if we could only re-institute the communion rail...and put the high altar back where it used to be (the choir sings there now)...and teach Father how to chant in Latin. Ah, well, all in good time. :)
I realised when the choir forgot to genuflect to the tabernacle, but that was too late. we were quite hyped up and - forgive us - we have always been unsure on the borders of the sanctuary. some altar servers said it started with the upper set of steps, while it looks more like where the red marble begins... :P

I and a choirmate of mine were both surprised when the priest did not choose to genuflect, either. I hope it doesn't become a trend. they genuflected last year, in fact.
Hello Jeremy, looks like you figured out which parish I was refering too. You must be in the Choir. The music was good.

Personally, I've never been a fan of having people turing their backs to the altar/tabernacle. I came across an incident once in an Anglican Church; the priest told the presenters off for having turned their backs to the Altar- while standing directly in front of it- while speaking to the rest of the congregation. And they don't even believe in the Real Presence or have relics in their altars.

Regarding geneflection, well, we all tend to forget but it's never too late to make the simple but profound acknoledgement, our Lord was mocked and he didn't care, why should we be afraid to look a little silly for making a 'late genuflection'?

I'm deeply saddened when I see people walking directly past the altar/tabernacle without bowing or genuflecting, or parents who let their children run right past. Catholic News was right to point out two weeks ago that "reverence is a hallmark of Catholic Churches", sometimes I ponder if it still applies... Nowadays, we have people talking and laughing in Church- in or out of mass-, we have people consuming sweets during mass, people dressed inappropriately, etc...

These are just my lit'le personal views :) Do not take offense. Together, we must pray for the "restoration of the sacred," H.H. Benedict XVI.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Pro Christo et Ecclesia,
Deo Juvante
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