Thursday, March 8, 2007
Notes of the True Church: Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus
God has ordained that all men should come to the knowledge of the truth; i.e. of the true Church as distinguished by the following marks:
- The true Church is one which is most persecuted by the World, and which has received God's seal in the form of miracles.
Christ often talked about persecutions (John 15:20, 26:2, 15:19, Matt 10:17-22). Never in the history of the Catholic Church has it been free from persecution. The Apostles were hated by the Jews and the Romans killed many Christians in the early foundations of the Chruch. The present day is not wanting in examples in the sufferings inflicted on the Church, in the interference of secular governments in things spiritual, in the oppisition to processions, meetings, and other devout practices. Can any Church be the true Church which does not oppose the spirit of the world?
As for miracles, it is the Catholic Church that has miracles: those, for instance, of the Apostles, all the Saints worked both in their lifetime and after death, either at their graves or bythe application of their relics. - The true Church is that one in which St. Peter is to be found.
The Church rests on a rock and that rock is Peter: "Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church" (Matt 28:20). "Where Peter is, ther is the Church" says St. Ambrose. - The true Church is known by the following four marks: she is One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic.
The Church is One. She has at all times and in all places the same worship (Sacrifice of the Mass; not rite per se) and the same doctrine, the same means of grace (Sacraments), and only one Head (Vicar of Christ- the Pope).
Since truth can only be one, the teaching of the Church cannot be changed. Christ wished for His Church to be one (John 27:20, 10:16) and appointed one head for the Church (John 21:17). When we say that the Church is one, we are refering to the same doctrines that are being taught in the Catechisms all over the world, the same sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross, the same feasts and ceremonies that are observed all over the world, the acknowledgement of the Pope as the Head of the Church by all Catholics.
Not even heresy can never destroy the unity of the Church, for the heretic who refuses to submit to is no longer a member of the Church.
The Catholic Church holds fast by its old established doctrines; there is no progress in giving up the truth and adopting error. The truth cannot change. Thus, "Protestantism, thou art changeable, therefore thou canst not be the truth!"
The Church is Holy. She has the means and the endeavor to lead all men to holiness. Christ founded the Church for one purpose, that is to make all men holy.
The in all the Catholic Chruch's lofty and pure teaching is the great underlying principle of self-denial and the love of one's neighbour; all the Sacraments- especially Penance and Holy Eucharist- are great aids to the sanctification of mankind, and the complete following out of the evangelical councels (for religious especially) can lead men to the highest point of perfection. The Church's host of Saints whose holiness is attested by miracles is a testimony to the Chruch's holiness.
But how can the Chruch be holy if there are abuses and misdeeds by clergy? Simple, these acts are not due to the Church but to the perversity of men. Even among the Apostle there was a traitor- Judas Iscariot.
Can any Church which adopts Luther's teaching on faith alone is sufficient for salvation, and good works unnecessary? or Calvin's doctrine that some men are predestined by God to hell fire? or any Church which on it's own confession, owns that none of its members have been saints and their sanctity confirmed by miracle, be holy?
The true Church is universal or Catholic. She is empowered to receive men into her bosom in all place and all times. Christ gave the Apostles the mission to teach all the nations till the end of time. Hence, His Church was meant to be for all nations. Being a universal Church, the teaching of the Catholic Church applies to all peoples, the polished Greek, the victorious Roman, the rude barbarian as well as the outcast slave. "By the fruits you will tell". The Catholic Church today is spread over the whole world.
"Heretics are everywhere" said St. Augustine, "but no particular heresy is everywhere." The Church has close to a BILLION members, hence, is more widespread than any other religion or religious system. Despite this number, the Church does not rest on her laurels and is continnually sending missionaries to the heathen. Can any Church that depends entirely on the government as for instance, the Anglican Church, which is wholly national in England, be the true Church? or can one who has no real success among the heathen have claim to truth?
The Church is Apostolic. She comes down from the time of the apostles and her teaching is always what it was in the time of the apostles, and her ministers are legitimate successors of the apostles.
The Church is built on the foundation of the apostles of which Jesus is the corner stone (Eph 2:20). "That is the true Church," says St. Jerome, "which was founded by the apostles and endures unto the present day." The Catholic Church is Apostolic; lasting 2000 years, Luther himself confessed that it was the oldest. The teaching of the Fathers agrees perfectly with the modern day Catechism, and our services are substantially the same as those of the first ages.
The consideration of these notes has in the course of ages, led many of the noblest of men into the bosom of the Catholic Church. It is so remarkable that men of the greatest learining and virtue have, even in the face of sacrifices entered the Catholic Church, while those who have deserted it have generally shown by their lives what they really were.
As Roman Catholics, we have reason the rejoice in our religion that it offers us such a special consolation in trouble and at the hoour of death. Thus Philipp Melancthon (one of Luther's contemporaries) wrote to his Catholic mother, "The Protestant faith is the best one to live in, but the Catholic faith is the best to die in," and again, "The new religion makes the best show, the Catholic gives the most security."
Because of the assurance the notes of the true Church displays and of Divine Revelation, we can proudly and boldly make the statement, "Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus " or "Outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation".
- The Catholic Church alone gives salvation as she possesses those means which lead to salvation; the doctrine of Christ, the means of salvation appointed by Christ, and the teachers and guides of the Church established by Christ.
The true Church (which we have already defined as the Roman Catholic Church) cannot teach that truth and error cannot lead equally well to salvation. No declaration is made as to who is saved, instead, she states only what is necessary for salvation. Only God who is able to search hearts (Psalm 7:10) is able to make the last judgement of a particular individual. This doctrine of faith is not a declaration of intolerance of an individual but an intolerence of error. So far is the Church from hating those outside her pale that in her public prayers on Good Friday she begs God's mercy for them.
The Catholic Church does not point the way to salvation like certain religions or denominations. She is the way to salvation! What makes the Catholic Church distinct from heretical churches which have corrupted Christ's doctrine and have rejected the means of grace, especially the Mass and penance. Such a way is the wrong way. "The further one goes out of the right parth," say St. Augustine, "the further he is from the goal of his journey." - Hence every person is bound to be a member of the Catholic Church.
Some people will tell you that a man ought not change his religion; they might as well argue that a man may keep an inheritance which his faher obtained unjustly. Others say, "One faith is as good as another, and all lead equally to heaven." (Sounds farmilar? Ecumenism? Religious Liberty?) This is to profess indiffentism. Having discussed the notes of the True Church we can now be certain that there can only be one true religion, the one revealed by God; and reason alone would tell us that the truth is what we should aim at.
It is totally absurd to suppose that God is unconcerned whether man adore Him or sticks stickes and stones, or wheter Christ be regarded as His Son or as a liar. Why should Christ and His apostles preach the Gospel amid so much persecution? Why were the apostlse so vehement in donouncing those who perverted the Gospel of Christ (Gal 1:8, 2 John 1:10)? Why should have God converted Saul, and sent an angel to Cornrlius?
The apostles gave the reason, "There is no other name under heaven given to mean whereby they must be saved." (Acts 4:12). Jesus Himself proclaimed, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh to the Father but by me." (John 24:6). It is so eminent that people enter the Church, despite certain sacrifices that will follow. A great example would be Queen Christina, only daughter of Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, the arch-enemy of Catholics. Queen Christina studied the Catholic faith and was persuaded by its truth. Since the laws of Sweden forbade Catholicism, she resigned her crown and spent the rest of her life in Rome. In England, during the last few decades, distinguished men have entered the Church, especially Cardinals Newman and Manning. Even from Judaism, we have those of Ratisbonne and Liebermann. - Whoever through his own fault remain outside the Church will not be saved.
A man who, knowing that the Catholic Church to be the ture one, leaves it for some unworhty motive will not be saved. So too a man who cowardly fear the reproaches or disesteem of others, does not enter the Church. The same is true for the man who having solid doubts as to whether his Church is the true one, takes no pains to find out the truth. St. Cyprian teaches that a man "cannot have God for a Father if he has not the Church for a Mother". St. Augustine elabortes by saying, "He who has not Christ for a Head cannot be saved; and he who does not belong to the body of Christ, i.e., to the Church of Christ, has not Christ for his Head."
"He who breaks away from the Church speprates himsepf from Christ" Lateran Council VI.
However, as Andrew rightly pointed out here, a man through no fault of his own, remains outside the Church may be saved... if he lead a God-fearing life; for such a one is to all intents and purpose of the Catholic Church.
The majority of men who have been brought up in heresy think that they belong to the true Church; their error is not due to the hatred of God. A man who leads a good life and has the love of God in his heart, really belongs to the Catholic Church, and such a one is saved, not by his heresy, but by belonging to the Church. (c.f. Acts 10:35). "The Catholic Church," says St. Gregory the Great, "embraces all the just from Abel to the last of the elect at the end of the world." The 'godless' who live up to their lights are Christians who though do not belong to the body of the Church, are in union with the soul of the Church; sharing the same sentiments members of the Church should have.
Therefore, the Cartholic Church is visible and invisible.
Visible members include those who have been received into the Church by Baptism. The unbaptized (heathens, Jews, Muslims), formal heretics (Protestants), and schismatics, those who are excommunicated are not members.
The invisible members are those who without any fault of their own are outside the Church leading God-fearing lives.
*It is not enough to be a member of the Church; a person should live up to his or her belief, otherwise his or her membership will help only to greater condemnation.
Ora pro nobis Sancta Dei Genitrix
Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi
Labels: Catholic Belief
regards Biby - Blog
The Church has never been afraid of being a contradiction and will never cease being a contradiction. Hmm, looks like we have another mark of the true Church. A contradiction- a world Changer. Perhaps, I should add that in the post.
This post took me a painfully long time but that's the good thing about the holidays...
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