Saturday, March 10, 2007
Where are we now?
"Even today. I’m just telling you what Scripture people tell me about their surveys. It’s a wonderful thing having small groups study Scripture—which I certainly encourage. But in terms of instruction in schools, etc., and familiarity with the Scriptures, I am told that there’s significantly less today compared to before the Council," Cardinal Willian Keeler. Funny isn't it? Considering that the Church accepted a renewed approach to sacred Scripture after the Council. "An ignorance of the Scriptures," says St. Jerome, "is an ignorance of God".
"Part of the implementation of Vatican II’s liturgy reforms meant also having a deepened sense of the sacred, of the transcendent, of the God-presence in our worship," Cardinal William Keeler. Periods of silence that were urged by the Council are still not being observed in many places. What's worst, is that the sense of sacred seems to have been dissolved, not deepened; how many people don't talk in Church, how many people don't genuflect when walking across the tabernacle, how many......
In response to the question of Catholics losing their faith, Cardinal William Keeler had this to say, "With respect to the doctrinal issues and that sense of fuzziness, there was enormous support for Cardinal Law’s suggestion for a catechism of the Catholic Church that would integrate the conciliar insights with those of Catholic teaching that went before. The synod endorsed this and now we have the Catechism of the Catholic Church." The CCC is indeed a wonderful tool to help those who want to become more familiar with the teachings of the Second Vatican Council. However has catechisis been effective? How many young Catholics can go beyond explaining that the Mass is a Celebration? The Mass is not only a celebration, but a sacrifice as well. In the Mass, it is Jesus Christ, God, as well as Man, who is our Intercessor, our Priest, and our Victim. Being God- as well as Man- His prayers merits, and His offerings are infinite in value. How many can recite the Rosary? Who knows what Purgatory is? This list can go on and on...... Also, there is no point having a wonderful CCC when we have Catechists who are not orthodox or promote their own ideas/beliefs. I was scandalized last night during a discussion at Church when I was told that all Catechists are required to watch a video by an ex-priest who says that not many people go to Hell and that even in Hell, God offers Salvation. God offers salvation to those in Hell?! This is heresy! CCC1033, Hell is to be "seperated from Him forever". Jesus will "gather His angels, and they will gather... all evil doers, and throw them into the furnace of fire, (Matt 13:41-42)" where is will pronounce condemnation, "Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire." (Matt 25:41). CCC1035 "affirms the existence of Hell and its eternity"...."eternal seperation from God". Apparently, this video has been used for years in 'training' Catechists. Down in the Catholic Spirituality Center, there is a Bible Study leader (note position) who does not believe in devotions to the Saints and the Blessed Mother. How can such a person hold positions in the Church? Apparently, they can when those at the 'managerial' level are strong liberals. Looks like when we stopped calling others heretics, we began breeding our own.
Mother Dear, pray for us!
St. Pius X, pray for us!
I know that some readers know Cardinal William Keeler personally. I have nothing against the good Cardinal, I'm merely using his statements to reflect the present state of 'disarray' (O God... I thought I'd never have to use this term... regular readers whould know that I label the Anglican Church likewise) in the Catholic Church.
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