Monday, April 16, 2007
Happy 80th Birthday Holy Father

Today, April 16 '07, the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI celebrates his 80th Birthday. Three days later, April 19 '07, will also mark the second anniversary of his election to the papacy. We remember both dates as we pray for him.
"Benendict XVI is an extraordinary gift from God in this age of unbelief,” says Archbishop Mario Rizzi. “His election to the See of Peter is proof positive that the Holy Spirit guides the Church and sees to it that the right men at the right moment be placed at its helm. Unbelievers will doubtless smile at these assertions, but we know just how true they are”.
"In today’s world,” says Monsignor Rizzi, “Catholics are called to live their faith as sheep among wolves. The message sent out by the mainstream media is simply hostile to our faith, and many of the faithful are losing their bearings. The Church, however, is not a political party or a multinational company; she is not even a charitable association, however noble such organisation may be. The Church is an institution established by Christ Himself with the express purpose of handing down His spirit and His teachings. Her task is also that of preserving them intact through the centuries amid a hostile world, and the German pontiff is taking this task very seriously”.
Holy See: Benedict XVI (Includes biography, apostolic letters, homilies, speeches, and news.)
Labels: Birthday, Holy Father
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