Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The role of a lay person: to imbue society with Catholic Christian values

I write to alert you to a matter of grave urgency and importance. It's responding to the government's amendment of the Penal Code, especially the section pertaining to homosexual behaviour. The official invite for public feedback was issued months ago. The relevant part is Section 10 which covers "carnal intercourse against the order of nature". The debate on the draft amendments takes place in Parliament in July/August.

In the proposed reform, the Gay & Lesbian Lobby is working overtime to have the law changed so that our nation becomes increasingly amenable to its agenda which is as follows:
  1. Decriminalize homosexual practice.
  2. Criminalized any public negative comment or statement against homosexual practice. (Some pastors in the State of Victoria, Australia are now in jail because of this)
  3. Legalize same sex marriages.
  4. Legalize adoption by same sex partners. (Roman Catholic adoption agencies have closed down in Britain because they now have to allow their children to be adopted by same sex partners).
  5. Have homosexuals classified as an ethnic group or race so that their rights are enshrined.
  6. Make it compulsory by law that homosexual practices are taught to children in all schools.

This is already happening in some parts of the world. They have already published colourful and explicit textbooks for this purpose!

While some denominational leaders have made Christian views known, our government's approach on public morality is based on the weight of public opinion. Hence the greater the number of similar opinions the greater the weight government will give.


Please share this with the clergy and members of your parish. Once the law is passed in favour of the gay agenda, there'll be no turning back the gradual undermining and destruction of Biblical family values, as well as the freedom to preach godly sexuality standards, as in now happening in parts of Britain, Australia and the US.

The feedback site is . Scroll down to "Something To SAY?" and click on "Email Us today".

The subject line should always mention: Penal Code Amendment:

All a person needs to do is write is something like: "With respect to the coming Parliamentary debate on the above subject, I would like to state that I'm against passing laws to allow same sex marriages or homosexual practices."

A mother could send in something like: "I have three young children and I'm against any legislation that allow for same sex marriages."

Other possible statements:

Why can't the Catholic Church make a public statement?

"A response from any church group wouldbe treated as a religious reaction of the conservative right, of religion trying to impose its values. We need ordinary people to write in." Andrew Kong, Canon & Civil Lawyer.

What if we do not take action?

Then, I suppose, we'll probably be seeing more of these:

...... when these babies grow up, society will continue to face ......

...... and the next wedding you attend may look just like this......

...... or this ......


(cf: Genesis 1:27, Genesis 2:18-25, Romans 1:27, Leviticus 20:13, Leviticus 18:22)

The image of God is both male and female and is reflected in a godly union between male and female where the creative power of God, His life-giving, His self-giving and His moral nature are perfectly expressed. This is only possible in a heterosexual union.

When God created a partner for Adam He created Eve - not another Adam. This means that perfect partnership requires some level of difference as well as a level of similarity so great that Adam could cry out loudly, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh". Sexual intimacy between a man and a woman is the normal method of male/female bonding (emotionally and physically) because it corresponds to the design of our bodies and because it is the normal means by which offspring are created.

"If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives." Leviticus 20:13, NAB

"You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; such a thing is an abomination." Leviticus 18:22, NAB

"... and the males likewise gave up natural relations with females and burned with lust for one another. Males did shameful things with males and thus received in their own persons the due penalty for their perversity." Romans 1:27, NAB


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Thanks for your excellent blog. To read two appropriate articles, go to Yahoo or Google and type in "God to Same-Sexers: Hurry Up" and "The Earliest 'Hate' Criminals." M.E.
Thank you. Pleas pray that the penal code will not be amended in favor of the gay and lesbian lobbyists.
I think that the UCM article is a notch too harsh on homosexuals. Though we do not accept or condone homosexual practices, we cannot condemn or judge anyone.

Untimately, judgement is passed by the compassionate and merciful judge.
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