Friday, April 27, 2007
Truth and Tolerance
All of us know that suicide is the number one cause of death among gay-identified youth. Some researchers report that as many as a third of all gay-identified youth has attempted to take their life. Why are gay-identified teens taking (or contemplating) taking their life? The answer is simple. Bigotry.
"Love one another as I have love you"
We should work as hard as anyone to put an end to bigotry. As Christians we need to love homosexuals. Though we definately do not condone homosexual behavior, we need to be encouraged to get out of our comfort zones and love the person behind the issue and to walk alongside those who are on the long, hard road to freedom.
No one can discount the truth that there is freedom from homosexuality in Christ! Scientific and social research have shown that same-sex attraction is not genetic. Therefore, it does not have to dictate the course of one’s life.
Many gay-identified Catholics have left the Church (altogether) because they feel that both God and Church has disowned them due to their orientation. This is not true. They leave because of the comments and remarks of certain members of the congregation that makes them feel left out and disowned.
Such attitudes must change!
As representatives of Christ, it is our duty to stand up for those who are hated and judged. This does not involve condoning sin, as Jesus demonstrated by saying to the woman caught in adultery, “Neither do I condemn you. Go now and leave your life of sin.” (St. John 8:11). But first, He chased away those who accused her in their self-righteousness. We can change lives with the grace Jesus exemplified.
We don’t do this by redefining marriage, we do it by being a friend to the lonely and sticking up for the bullied. We don’t silence the truth, but speak the truth even when lies are more popular. We don’t do this by offering false hope in sexual permissiveness; we do it by sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ and facilitating the healing that is not only possible, but promised.
The most important thing is not to condemn!
It's hard to understand why someone we care about would live a lifestyle you don't agree with, but the best thing we can do when we have a friend who's struggling with sexual sin is PRAY! Continue to care. We need to remember we don't have to agree with him/her to love him/her with God's love. The Bible reminds us in Romans 3:23 that, "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God."All. As in you, and I too.
As Catholic Christians, it's our responsibility to share the truth in love. We're called to be ambassadors for Christ- not lawyers. We shouldn't feel as though we have to argue with someone until we're blue in the face, rather, we should simply let our lives be the example of Christ. Only then, everything we say or do will prove our faith and radiate God's love to anyone in need.
In society today, there are forces trying to disintegrate the meaning of family and indoctrinate younger and younger schoolchildren with sexual confusion. We offer this and all other intentions to our Blessed Mother- Virgin Most Pure- trusting in her maternal intercession. Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of your womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
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