Monday, May 7, 2007
Annual Diocesan Vocation Retreat

Dear readers,
I'll be heading for the annual Diocesan vocation retreat this weekend after being invited by a Seminarian friend. It will be held at Saint Francis Xavier Major Seminary in Ponggol.
The retreat commences on Friday (11th May '07) at 1930hr and ends on Sunday (13th May '07) at approx. 1700hr with the celebration of the Sunday Eucharist and High Tea.
Do keep me in your prayers as I continue to discern the Lord's call.
A prayer for the retreatants:
Almighty God, Loving Father & Creator of all.
Your Son, Jesus, sufferred & died on the cross that we might live.
Help us use this Precious Gift of Life in ways
that would bring much honour & glory to you.
Give us the strength & the courage to rid
ourselves of all fears that we may may respond toYour CALL,
to love & serve Your people.
Bless & protect our Holy Father, our priests,
deacons, religious and lay ministers.
Bless us too & help us make the right choices in life,
and through the powerful intercession of
Our Blessed Mother & the Holy Spirit,
we may continue to participate in Your plan of Salvation.
We pray in the name of Jesus, Your Son. Amen!
St. John Vianney, St. Alphonsus, St. Ignatius, St. Francis of Assisi, St. John of the Cross, pray for us.
Note: Blogging resusmes after May 13.
Labels: News, Personal, Prayer, Priesthood, Retreat, Seminary, Vocation
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Too bad you'll miss Fr. Ignatius Huan who's accompanying the College General Seminarians. He's a great speaker.
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