Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Currently Reading
Preacher to the Pontifical Household for 25 years, Fr. Cantalamessa expounds some of the most beautiful words ever to be penned about the Eucharist in the latin hymns, Adoro Te Devote and the Ave Verum.
It was written for the Pope!
These reflections were the last series of meditations preached to the late Pope John Paul II! But before you rush to get a copy, be warned that unless you have had theological training, this isn't an easy book. The author assumes that the reader already possesses knowledge on the doctrine of the Holy Eucharist as well as other related doctrines, knowledge of Sacred Scripture and the teachings of the early Church Fathers.
Being sermons, the text is in an interlocutory form.
Adoro Te Devote
Hidden God, devoutly I adore Thee, Truly present underneath these veils: All my heart subdues itself before Thee, Since it all before Thee faints and fails.
Not to sight, or taste, or touch be credit, Hearing only do we trust secure; I believe, for God the Son hath said it-- Word of Truth that ever shall endure.
On the Cross was veiled Thy Godhead's splendor, Here Thy manhood lieth hidden too; Unto both alike my faith I render, And, as sued the contrite thief, I sue.
Though I look not on Thy wounds with Thomas, Thee, my Lord, and Thee, my God, I call: Make me more and more believe Thy promise, Hope in Thee, and love Thee over all.
O Memorial of my Saviour dying, Living Bread that givest life to man; May my soul, its life from Thee supplying, Taste Thy sweetness, as on earth it can.
Deign, O Jesus, pelican* of heaven, Me, a sinner, in Thy Blood to lave, To a single drop of which is given All the world from all its sin to save.
Contemplating Lord, Thy hidden presence, Grant me what I thirst for and implore, In the revelation of Thine essence To behold Thy glory evermore.
Ave Verum
Hail, true Body, truly born of the Virgin Mary mild. Truly offered, wracked and torn, on the Cross for all defiled, from Whose love-pierced, sacred side flowed Thy true Blood's saving tide: be a foretaste sweet to me in my death's great agony.
O my loving, Gentle One, Sweetest Jesus, Mary's Son. Amen.
Labels: Books, Eucharist, Holy Father, Hymns, Latin, Liturgy, Meditation
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