Sunday, January 27, 2008
Another Year...
This day, the 26th of January '08, marks the day the good Lord graciously allowed me to enter this universe in order to be with Him in the next.
I thank the Lord for another year of LIFE. Even though sometimes, life is bleak and there seems no hope of moving on. I also thank Him for the blessing of encountering so many wonderful- and instrumental- people who have in one way or another helped me in my Christian journey.
In the course of my growth in maturity of faith, mind and body, I find myself more open to the promptings of the Spirit as I continue to discern His materplan for my life.
I enjoy the fact that my birthday is a day after the Feast of the Conversation of St. Paul, my patron saint. It reminds me of the need to be converted before being able to receive the new life that God has in plan for me and to accept all the challenges- come what may- in order to feel the exhilaration of victory and direct it Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam.
My birthday wish/prayer is for all YOUR wishes/prayers to come true. Please continue to keep this aspirant in your prayers.
I also want to take this opportunity to thank all those who have wished me a very happy birthday via text message and e-mail.
Special thanks goes to Darren, Melvin, Philip, Graeme, and Ajay who made this day a memorable one (and that does not include singing "Happy Birthday to Father Paul at Hagen Daz" hahaha...). Special thanks also go out to Angela whose constant prayers for me before the Blessed Sacrament every Saturday enables me to continue to do His holy will.
Heartfelt appreciations to Fr. Andrian Wee who offered the Holy Sacrifice specially for me, to Revd. Frs. Edmund Chong, Augustine Tay, Michael Teo who have helped me in both my vocation discernment and my personal walk with the Lord, to my parents who taught me the values and principles of life, to my grandmother for the generous gift of her Honda Accord, and to the Holy Spirit whose loving presence is like a spring in the desert.
God grant me the serenity to accept
the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference. Amen.
Labels: Birthday, Personal, Prayer, Testimonials, Thanksgiving
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Many happy returns...!
BTW, I was just informed that I would have to be in Singapore either on Saturday or on Sunday for a day. Will contact you if I need directions to a Church.
BTW, I was just informed that I would have to be in Singapore either on Saturday or on Sunday for a day. Will contact you if I need directions to a Church.
Thank you guys.
Andrew, will you be here this week? Do contact me if you need any help or transport anywhere- time to return the favor ;)
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Andrew, will you be here this week? Do contact me if you need any help or transport anywhere- time to return the favor ;)
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