Saturday, October 28, 2006

OPEN LETTER: Will Pending Indult Split The Church?

UPDATE: Pope Defends the Old Rite

Over the past few weeks, there has been news of a universal indult that would allow any priest anywhere in the world to celebrate the traditional Tridentine rite mass without the permission of the local bishop. While this may seem as good news to some, it's probably ringing the alarm bells in others. It is to my understanding that those who are not receiving this as good news are those who fear that this may cause a disunity in both the local and universal Church.

I'm sure that those who fear have good intentions for the growth of the Church. However, to do so aren't we forgetting the awesomeness of our Lord Jesus Christ and if I may put it bluntly, ignorant to the teachings of the Church.

In the words of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, “The mystery of Christ is so unfathomably rich that it cannot be exhausted by its expression in any single liturgical tradition.” (CCC 1201).

It is a sad symptom of what is “certainly a genuine crisis” (Pope John Paul II, Veritatis Splendor, 5) in the current life of the Church that those faithful who are rightfully attached to the traditional Latin liturgy have been accused of being ‘divisive’ or of ‘causing disunity’ in virtue of their attachment. The Holy Father has condemned such unjust treatment of traditional Catholics and even asked forgiveness for…

“the at times partial, one-sided and erroneous application of the directives
of the Second Vatican Council, [which] may have caused scandal and
disturbance concerning the interpretation of the doctrine and the veneration due
to [theSacrament of the Holy Eucharist]” (Dominicae Cenae, III.12).
There is indeed a great threat to unity in the Church. It comes, however, from those who reject and disobey the apostolic tradition, not from those who uphold it:

“The criterion that assures unity amid the diversity of liturgical traditions
isfidelity to apostolic Tradition”(Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1209).
Therefore, it is the actions of the majority of the mainstream Catholic Church clergy and laity who have deviated from fidelity to apostolic tradition that has plunged the Church into the crisis that all of us now face. Only if wisdom that respected history, tradition, and sensitivity had prevailed, there would have been a far better result and less division.

Futhermore, many young people have not heard of this rite of Mass that Pope Urban VII proclaimed as, ''the most beautiful thing this side of heaven". Perhaps, the church could also take this opportunity to expose young Catholics to the ancient Catholic religion and give them a sense of pride in their faith. Only with pride and zeal for their faith, will young people step out to serve in the various ministries on their own accord. The traditional Mass is the birth right of all Roman Catholics around the world.

The Second Vatican II Council refered to the Church as a Community, I'm sure that there are the older generation of Catholics who miss the old rite of Mass too, we have to be charitable and ensure that they do not feel left out. As a community of believers, we have to take into consideration all our brothers and sisters and not only our own intentions.

Perhaps, the spirit of our beloved late Holy Father John Paul II is with us now, expanding the 'new evangelization' he once called for. Let all of us look forward to the indult with warm, welcoming hearts.

May we turn to Holy Father Pope St. Pius X & Pope St. Pius V for the restoration of the Sacred Liturgy and Traditionalism in the Universal Church.

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"Over the past few weeks, there has been news of a universal indult that would allow any priest anywhere in the world to celebrate the traditional Tridentine rite mass without the permission of the local bishop."

Personally I would shy away from calling it 'news' since even now the information continues to be a substantiated rumour. Much more information has been made available to substantiate the case for a universal indult, more so than the previous rumours, but as it still stands it is a rumour.

I would also shy away from using the term 'without the permission of the local bishop' since what is implied is a for of disobedience to the local ordinary. This is not how the Mass is to be celebrated. That Mass is celebrated as a form of opposition to the Bishop is alien to Tradition. Priests are co-workers with the Ordinary.
I've always thought that it was Fr. Faber who said that "most beautiful thing this side of heaven" quote... Ah well...
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