Saturday, October 28, 2006

Watch A 1941 Tridentine Mass

Solemn High Mass according to the Tridentine rite of the Roman Catholic Church filmed on Easter Sunday in 1941 at Our Lady of Sorrows church in Chicago. Narrated by the late Monsignor Fulton J. Sheen.

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Absolutely beautiful (have not had time yet to watch the full Mass, but will come back to it.)

But from just the little I've seen of the video, I cannot believe how much respect for the Holy Mass, for the Eucharist, for the true presence of Christ in the Tabernacle - has diminished in our current times. I recall when a little child (in the late 1950s, very early 60s, the Mass was like this video).

Your site is wonderful. So much was lost in the late 1960s - the traditional hymns (so moving, soul-stirring, faith-inspiring, and powerful), the deep respect and reverence, the silence - now it's sometimes like attending the theatre! People don't genuflect, nor kneel in some churches (there are often no kneelers), and in some cases no one even seems aware of the Tabernacle. I often miss Mass, but I won't again. After quite an absence from attendance, I was shocked to hear the din of the congregation chatting with each other in the church before the priest entered. I could go on and on.... But then, who am I to judge? At least these faithful have been attending Mass weekly for those years when I wasn't. Yet in a way, because of my 'lost' years, I am able to witness the changes and express them, because I can see the negatives!

God bless you, and please continue what you're doing.

You live in Singapore. Can I ask if you are originally from another country? (I have a relative living in Singapore.)
Thank you for your comment. I understand how you feel; I feel the same many a times. Today, as I returned from the Cathedral after Mass, countless people walked passed the Blessed Sacrament without any form of acknowledgement.

Do watch out this video homily: It addresses some of the issues you mentioned.

Yes, I'm orginally from Singapore. Yourself?
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