Saturday, December 30, 2006
Altar Servers
(via Cathcon)
By Father Chapple,
...... I would like you, as servers, to think seriously about the greatness of the office of serving Holy Mass and to ask St Stephen to help you. You can always have recourse to him even if there is no Guild in your Parish. Never forget the greatness of the privilege you have when you serve. Think about these words of the late Cardinal Bourne who said this about Mass-serving :
" No ministry, except that of those who by Ordination are set apart for the service of the Altar, deserves greater thought and consideration than the duty entrusted to those laymen and youths who have the office of assisting the priests of God in the discharge of their sacred functions."
When you think that those words were written by a Prince of the Church you will realise how important they are. You must ask yourself very seriously, " How do I serve Mass ? Do I need to improve in my serving ? " Many servers have perhaps never thought of the greatness of their task or the grandeur of the privilege they enjoy. This pamphlet will serve as a reminder to them and to you. Above all let us all hope and pray that the words we have read will encourage us to do better in our duties at the Altar; to pray better while we are serving Holy Mass, to get every day closer to the love of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. These things are so necessary if Our Lord is to be served properly, and we all do want to do our very best for Him, do we not?
As a final word of inspiration to all servers wherever you are in the world, study carefully and think deeply on the words which are quoted at the close of this little pamphlet.
A priest has written these words about servers, words whic should be a continual reminder of the greatness of their task :
"All who are considered worthy to serve at the Altar should remember that they are engaged in a work which is the Angels' joy to perform in heaven, the work oi SERVING around the Throne of God and ministering unto Him."
Server ! This is YOUR privilege. Ask St Stephen to make you love your precious task and to accomplish it, even as the Angels, for the love of Almighty God.
Besides St. Stephen, St. John Berchmans is another patron for Altar Servers.
By Father Chapple,
...... I would like you, as servers, to think seriously about the greatness of the office of serving Holy Mass and to ask St Stephen to help you. You can always have recourse to him even if there is no Guild in your Parish. Never forget the greatness of the privilege you have when you serve. Think about these words of the late Cardinal Bourne who said this about Mass-serving :
" No ministry, except that of those who by Ordination are set apart for the service of the Altar, deserves greater thought and consideration than the duty entrusted to those laymen and youths who have the office of assisting the priests of God in the discharge of their sacred functions."
When you think that those words were written by a Prince of the Church you will realise how important they are. You must ask yourself very seriously, " How do I serve Mass ? Do I need to improve in my serving ? " Many servers have perhaps never thought of the greatness of their task or the grandeur of the privilege they enjoy. This pamphlet will serve as a reminder to them and to you. Above all let us all hope and pray that the words we have read will encourage us to do better in our duties at the Altar; to pray better while we are serving Holy Mass, to get every day closer to the love of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. These things are so necessary if Our Lord is to be served properly, and we all do want to do our very best for Him, do we not?
As a final word of inspiration to all servers wherever you are in the world, study carefully and think deeply on the words which are quoted at the close of this little pamphlet.
A priest has written these words about servers, words whic should be a continual reminder of the greatness of their task :
"All who are considered worthy to serve at the Altar should remember that they are engaged in a work which is the Angels' joy to perform in heaven, the work oi SERVING around the Throne of God and ministering unto Him."
Server ! This is YOUR privilege. Ask St Stephen to make you love your precious task and to accomplish it, even as the Angels, for the love of Almighty God.
Besides St. Stephen, St. John Berchmans is another patron for Altar Servers.
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