Monday, January 22, 2007
Fr. Anthony Bannon on Sacrifices

...... The problem arises when we understand by asceticism those huge, external penances that some of the great saints did (fasting, scourging, etc.). These penances are only of value when done out of love. We know that the Church is like a body, and the good that each one does benefits everyone else in the body. So these saints, and there are many today who still do the same, did these penances to make up for their own sins, and to help spiritually in the conversion of those who are still far from Christ.
With their penances they unite themselves to Christ on the Cross and they intercede for sinners. We owe a lot of the graces we receive to those Catholics who pray and offer sacrifices for us.
With their penances they unite themselves to Christ on the Cross and they intercede for sinners. We owe a lot of the graces we receive to those Catholics who pray and offer sacrifices for us.
(The picture was intended to be 'disturbing'. "No greater lover than a man lay down his life for his friends". This is the sacrificial love of Christ... are we reciprocating His love by "loving one another as He has loved us?")
Labels: Catholic Belief, Spirituality
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