Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Intentions for the Week:

- For an increase of vocations to the priesthood and religious life- that this Sunday (Vocation Sunday), many young men and women may be open to the call of God in their lives.
- For those who are discerning a vocation to the priesthood and religious life- that the Holy Spirit may always pilot their discernment. Lift especially these bloggers: Nicholas, Patrick and his brother, all the contributors to The Holy Vocations Blog, and myself.
- For Seminarians- may they persevere in their studies to be orthodox ministers of the words and holy dispensers of the Sacraments. Lift Seminarian Matthew who was accepted on 24th April '07 (recently!).
- For the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI- may the Holy Spirit continue to lead and guide him in his task of restoring the Church of Jesus Christ.
- For the repose of the soul of those who have died in tragic accidents- may the Lord confort their loved ones and deliver the souls of the departed to the eternal paradise. Lift up Debra Koh who was swept away by strong currents (5000 meters).
- For an end to abortion- that more Catholics may take part in pro-life activities.
- For the liberialisation of the Classice rite of Mass- that every Catholic may experience the ancient liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church; which belongs to them by birth right.
- For the schismatics and herectics (Protestants)- that our Lord would rescue them from all their errors, and recall them to their holy Mother, the Catholic and Apostolic Church.
- For the poor souls in purgatory- who have no one to pray for them.
- For the conversion of sinners- that the Holy Spirit may illuminate their hearts and souls to see the light of the Risen Christ. Lift Patrick's two sisters; and their husband and boyfriend respectively.
- For more Catholics to provide feedback on the proposed penal code amendments concerning the 'liberalisation' of homosexual activities.
Lord, hear the prayers of your faithful and in your mercy and love, hear and answer them. For the Glory of thy name. Amen.
Please feel free to add your intentions in the comment box.
Labels: Intentions/Petitions, Prayer
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These are great intentions! Please also pray for the conversion of my two sisters and their husband and boyfriend. Pray also please for my brother who is going through a difficult time in life trying to find what his call is. God Bless!
Thank you so much for the prayers! I will offer my rosary today for all those intentions listed on your blog. May God bless you!
Please keep Nicholas and his family in your prayers ecspecially now as they are going through a difficult time. Thank you! God bless!
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