Sunday, June 3, 2007

Chastity, Purity and Our Lady

(By Edward L. via To Jesus Through Mary)

Extracted version. For full post, click here. Emphasis completely mine.

......this is the time of grace, this is the time for our souls. It is true, this is a time that we must rise to prayer and pray for our nation. For the first time in a long time I realized how much prayer we must do for our friends and for those who we don't even know. In every Marian Apparition, our Lady has asked for a conversion of heart, for increase in prayer and sacrifice for souls, and this is the time my dear friends.

Teenagers today are having pre-marital sex, using contraceptives and committing other serious sins. Chastity is something that is frowned upon and something that people don't think is attainable in life any more. Our world has been immoralized, because my dear friends, it is true, Chastity is attainable, people are living Chastity; people realize that male and female relationships are meant for procreation not to be against conception. Yes, it is possible to live without viewing pornography and committing sins of the flesh, but yet many people don't live in Chastity, they do commit these sins that are both mortal and serious sins. With prayer and perseverance though one can live a pure lifestyle; it is not impossible.

Let us recall the words of Our Lady of Fatima who said, "More souls go to hell because of sins of the flesh than for any other reason."

These sins are real and people commit them and they do not know what they are doing can endanger their souls, their future happiness with God in Heaven. These are the words of Our Lady at Fatima who appeared in the early 1900's. Today we live in a culture of death, a culture in which sins of the flesh are a lifestyle. Thus we must realize that this is a time for prayer, for prayer for society that they can return back to God.

The Blessed Mother has also appeared here in the United States to a religious sister named Sister Mary Ephrem, and the very first words of Our Lady of America on September 26, 1956 was I am Our Lady of America. I desire that my children honor me, especially by the purity of their lives. Sister Mary Ephrem also said that she was suffering a great deal for she was inconsolable at the thought of her own ingratitude and of the crimes which sinners commit against God.

Our Lady of America encourages us to live lives of purity and in doing so we honor her (the Blessed Mother.) This is the time, more than ever, that we need to pray for our brothers and sisters in society, who do not know God, who do not know the truth or maybe know God but yet choose to sin, we must pray for them daily, that they can know God and to turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel.

We must constantly recall the words of Our Blessed Mother that more souls go to Hell because of sins of the flesh. We must be reconciled to God and be ready for the worst, to die tomorrow. We may not accept death easily but we must have peace within our souls, a total conversion, so that we may be with God one day. We do not know the time or the hour in which we leave this earth, likewise then we should always be in God's saving grace.

It is necessary that if we do sin, commit serious sin, that we turn our lives around. Go to confession and ask God to keep you from that sin. Life is tough, we are faced with many temptations, and the devil wants our souls, but we must overcome these sins to be faithful to the Church's teaching which brings us closer to Christ and His mother. We should strive to be like St. Maria Goretti who would rather die than commit a mortal sin.

"Faith begets miracles, the small and the great. Through faith, love and prayer, we can achieve anything.Those people who say that it is impossible to live wholesome, chaste lives cheat themselves and others out of too much." Beez, Commenter on Edward's post.

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