Thursday, June 28, 2007
Rectifications: Mission Statement
I'd like to rectify my the Mission Statement that is displayed on the sidebar. I shouldn't have simply put "fidelity to Apostolic Tradition" alone.
'Apostolic Tradition' is part of the Deposit of Faith or 'Divine Tradition'.
Specifically, Divine Tradition is formed by the summation of Dominical Tradition and Apostolic Tradition. In short, Dominical Tradition consists of that which was given directly by Our Lord while on earth, while Apostolic Tradition consists of that which the apostles passed on under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. Prime examples of which are the Magisterium of the Church and the sacraments, since they were established by Jesus Christ and passed on and will be passed on until the end of time.
A new addition would be 'Ecclesiastical Tradition'. Ecclesiastical Tradition forms the heritage and patrimony of the work of previous generations graciously passed on by the Church to subsequent generations for their benefit.
The statement has been rectified to "...through: Fidelity to Divine & Ecclesiastical Traditions...".
- Christian Pesch, Praelectiones Dogmaticae (Herder & Co., Friburgus, 1924), vol. I, p. 397f.
- Vatican I, Pastor Aeternus, ch. 2 (Denz. 1825/3058).
- Distinctions with Philosophical Differences by Fr. Chad Ripperger FSSP, The Latin Mass Magazine, Spring 2001
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