Friday, June 29, 2007
SS. Peter and Paul, Apostles
Intrioit: These men, conquering all human frailty, shed their blood and helped the Church to grow. By sharing the cup of the Lord's suffering, they became the friends of God.
Today, the Universal Church commerates Saint Peter and Saint Paul, the princes of the apostles, from whom we dervie our Christian faith. In the Gospel reading (St. Matthew 16:13-19), we will learn how Jesus prepared the fervent Apostle, St. Peter, for the supreme office of the Papacy.
It may be interesting to note that traditionally, this feast was almost entirely devoted to St. Peter, Bishop of Rome, rather than St. Paul, the great apostle of the Gentiles who was more specially honoured on June 30. Today both the Saints receive the same devotion and commemoration. This makes sense as the theme for the Mass recalls the same effect of the Lord's presence in their lives; the Lord always stood by them giving them power so that through them the whole message might be proclaimed for all the world to hear.
This feast marks the day of translation of their relics.
St. Peter
St. Peter preaced the Gospel in Judea after the descent of the Holy Spirit and was cast into prison by Herod Agrippa. Miraculously, an angel delivered him, enabling him to establish his first see at Antioch, and then finally Rome. St. Peter exercised the Supreme Authority vested in him by Christ for twenty-five years before being arrested. He received the crown of martyrdom in 65.
St. Paul
St. Paul was once known as Saul of Tarsus. Saul was a great persecutor of the Christians and wrecked havoc in the Early Church. After a miraculous encounted with God, Saul begain his three great Apostolic Voyages and wrote his Epistles (Paul is the author of many of the Epistles found in the vault of Sacred Scripture). Arriving in Rome after two years of captivity in Caesarea, he travelled to that part of the Church situated beyond Italy before being beheaded in 65.
Let us thank our Heavenly Father for SS. Peter and Paul:
O God who hast made this day holy by the martyrdom of Thine Apsotles Peter and Paul: grant that Thy Church may in all things follow the precepts of those through whom she received the beginnings of the Faith. Keep us true to their teaching so that we may be enabled to share their joy in following the Lord to the unfading inheritance reserved for us in heaven. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
SS. Peter and Paul, pray for us!
Labels: Apostles, Catholic Belief, Early Church, Martyr, Prayer, Quote, Saints
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