Friday, July 13, 2007

Preparation for Holy Mass

O LORD Jesus Christ, King of everlasting glory,

Thou art the Triune God in whom my mind and heart remain fixed, firm and rooted immovably for evermore.

Behold I desire to come to Thee this day to commemorate all Thy sufferings, and receive Thy Body and Blood in the heavenly Sacrament.

Send down upon this sacrifice your Holy Spirit. May He declare the Bread we eat to be the Body of Christ,and the cup we drink to be the blood of Christ. May He fill me with His presence to make me worthy of Thy promises, and obtain for me life everlasting.

May my reception of this Eucharist bring thee honor and glory, health to my soul, and deliverance from all my evils. I embrace Thee, my sole good. May I always be happily united to Thee forevermore. I beseech Thee- who hast commanded that thy Holy Sacrifice be perpetuated daily on the all the Altars throughout the world- to perpetuate Thy Holy Sacrifice also on the Altar of my Heart. May it nourish, comfort, and enliven my sickly soul. Save me from the darkness of false doctrine bypreventing me from faltering on my way to the heavenly inheritance Thou hast promised me.

Gracious God after whom my hart and soul panteths,In union with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer this Mass for: STATE YOUR INTENTION(s). Grant that the insurmountable graces hidden behind this Eucharistic Celebration be directed to these intentions; as Thou willest.

Jesus, I thank Thee for giving me Thy Sacred Body and Blood-the pledge of my redemption and the Victim of my ransom-under the veil of this Holy Sacrament of the Altar.

Grant that I may one day see Thee face to face. May nothing in life, or death separate me from Thee. AMEN.

A compilation from the prayers of St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas. Includes my own compositions.

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