Friday, September 28, 2007
Saint Thérèse de Lisieux

Mary Frances Therese Martin was born at Alencon, France. Her parents were pious individuals who were well endowed with a confortable amount of the goods of the world. Despite all the material possessions, she entered the Carmelite Convent in Lisieux at the age of fifteen; she would spent the next nine years of her life in holiness and humility before expiring at the age of twenty four.
Her ambition to love God perfectly and to conquer souls for Jesus was fulfilled when she died in the odor of sanctity aftering wisphering her very own words of commendation, "My Lord, my God... I love Thee!"
The spirit of self-abandonment that St. Thérèse possesed led her to holiness. What is self-abandonment? Can we abandon ourselves in today's context?
Holy abandonment is one of the purestforms of love; it is the height of love; it is loveing giving to God, unreservedly, our whole being, with all it's energies, activities, concerns, etc... in order that we may be a true and worthy sacrifice to God.
The for example the lives of the monks or cloistered nuns. What makes them holy? What drives them to their lives apart from the world? To do nothing else but pray, meditate, and work? Because these prayer warriors have been given a special grace, the grace of self-abandonment. When the spirit of self-abandonment to God animates a monk's/nun's whole life, that monk/nun has attained holiness.
Being holy does not make one a living saint. Being holy also does not mean that a person does not sin; he may sin less, but sins nonetheless. Being holy is substantially the conformity of all our being to God; it is amen said by the whole being and it's faculties to all the rights of God. This is somewhat like Mary's fiat, a fiat full of love, whereby the person responds unceasingly and unfalteringly, to the Divine Will of God.
Our Amen, our Fiat
Dear friends, if we want to do God's Will, if we want to be holy, we must say amen with St. Thérèse and utter our fiat with her. In other words, we need to offer our lives to God like she did. Together with her, let us shout a resounding amen and humble offer our fiat in a spirit of perfect donation whereby the whole being to God is the spirit of abandonment, a spirit which is the sum total of faith, confidence and love. Amen.
Let us pray. O Lord, who had said, "Unless you become as little children you shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven". Grant we beseech you, so to follow in humility and simplicity of heart the footsteps of Saint Thérèse, the Virgin, that we may obtain everlasting rewards. Saint Thérèse, pray for us. Amen.
Labels: Prayer, Saints, Spirituality
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