Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Thou Art Present!
As Catholics, we firmly believe that the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ is transubstantially present in the consecrated hosts of bread and wine.
In the Liturgy, we see that Christ is present as both priest and victim. He is present as priest in the person of the celebrant and victim, in the Eucharistic species. This has been affirmed by the council of Trent; "For, it is one and the same Victim, the same one now offering by the ministry of the priests as He who then offered Himself on the Cross, the manner of offering alone being different" (Denzinger-Schonmetzer 1743).
Over the course of the last 30 odd years, we have been seeing a decline in the believe in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. What has contributed to this? Here are some of my findings/ideas:
- Christ's Sacramental Presence devalued; put on par with Christ's presence in the Scriptures.
- The idea that the common priesthood is more important becasue it makes Christ spiritually present.
- Genuflections which show adoration to Christ has been reduced significently; down to 3 from the original 14.
- Revised Offertory; "the bread of life", "spiritual drink".
- The Eucharist often being refered to in relation to the congregation and not in itself.
- The current GIRM makes no mention of the Real Presence. The word "bread" is used almost throughout the GIRM.
- The Celebrant is encouraged to receive the Body of Christ reverently without making a genuflection.
- The purification of fingers have been suppressed.
- The keeping of the thumb and finger joined as a sign of respect for the Sacred Particles from the consecration has been suppressed.
- Over usage of laity in the distribution of communion.
- Communion standing and on hand.
- The turning of the House of God into a entertainment center where audio-visual projectors screen advertisments, video clips, etc...
- The use of wine glasses in place of chaices and stainless steel bowls in place of gold-plated metal ware.
Labels: Communion, Eucharist, GIRM, Traditionalism
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I would respectfully disagree, here. While the belief in the Real Presence has gone down, I wouldn't blame any liturgical changes. People have just generally stopped believing, as unfortunate as it is.
And I have a problem with your first point. For me, Christ is just as present in the Eucharist as He is in the poor, the Scriptures, our fellow man, etc. I was just thinking today about how some people put too much emphasis on the Eucharist in place of where else Christ is present.
Just my most humble observations, though. I could be, as I have been and will be the case in other instances, wrong.
And I have a problem with your first point. For me, Christ is just as present in the Eucharist as He is in the poor, the Scriptures, our fellow man, etc. I was just thinking today about how some people put too much emphasis on the Eucharist in place of where else Christ is present.
Just my most humble observations, though. I could be, as I have been and will be the case in other instances, wrong.
Hello Cristion,
I think it is necessary for us to ask ourselves why people have stopped believing. It is important to note the ancient principal of the Church when talking about this. Lex orendi, lex credendi. When we take this into account we will see that everything ceremony that is performed in the Sacred Liturgy is a veritable reflection of a great truth. The Catholic liturgies are not plain ceremonies. They are rich symbols. But there is more; anything less would make us... say... High Anglican, et cetera. There is a great necessity to celebrate the sacred liturgy with great care, reverence, pomp, and ceremony because it is in the Sacre Liturgy that the Sacrament of God's love- Jesus Christ- is effected and dispensed on the holy Altar of Sacrifice.
How does this relate to the principal of lex orendi, lex credendi? Simple.
A well celebrated liturgy leaves a lasting impression on the hearts and minds of the faithful; inspiring them to deeper thought and intimate encounter with God. This is attested by the venerable traditions of our Holy Church. Even in the field of science, we have learned men explaining how detail leaves a subtle impression on people. Certainly, disposition plays an important role especially on matters of faith, but care for the liturgy certainly does help.
It is the venerable tradition of the Church to effect varying degrees of Christological presence. Christ is foremost present in the Eucharist; Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. Nothing else can make Christ present 'in the flesh'. True, Christ is indeed present in the poor as He is in the Sacred Scriptures. However, we need to bear in mind that this a spiritual presence (that do deserve reverent attention as well). However, it is in the Eucharist that the face of Christ is revealed, in the Eucharist is the same Christ who walked the dusty roads of Jeruselem 2000 years ago, in the Eucharist is the love of God made manifest. At the Last Supper, Jesus made the Eucharist- His Body and Blood- which were to be made present for both adoration and spiritual food, the NEW and EVERLASITNG covenent. Effectively, Jesus has never left us. He is with us here today "in the flesh"- in the Eucharist.
There can be no downplay on the Eucharist. It is foolish to think that by downplaying the Eucharistic presence we will be able to focus on other areas of His presence. The Eucharist is the "source and submit of the Christian Faith". From it ALL OTHER GRACES FLOW. We need to return to the dimension of the Sacred, to the Reverence due to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords should we want to receive the graces to live a devout life, fired by the grace of the Holy Ghost- our friend and sanctifier. We need to place 100% emphasis on the Eucharist. Only the Eucharist can humble the hearts and minds of men to see the face of Christ in the midst of our brothers and sisters.
God bless you on your 'neophytian' journey in the Catholic faith!
Yours in the Risen Lord,
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I think it is necessary for us to ask ourselves why people have stopped believing. It is important to note the ancient principal of the Church when talking about this. Lex orendi, lex credendi. When we take this into account we will see that everything ceremony that is performed in the Sacred Liturgy is a veritable reflection of a great truth. The Catholic liturgies are not plain ceremonies. They are rich symbols. But there is more; anything less would make us... say... High Anglican, et cetera. There is a great necessity to celebrate the sacred liturgy with great care, reverence, pomp, and ceremony because it is in the Sacre Liturgy that the Sacrament of God's love- Jesus Christ- is effected and dispensed on the holy Altar of Sacrifice.
How does this relate to the principal of lex orendi, lex credendi? Simple.
A well celebrated liturgy leaves a lasting impression on the hearts and minds of the faithful; inspiring them to deeper thought and intimate encounter with God. This is attested by the venerable traditions of our Holy Church. Even in the field of science, we have learned men explaining how detail leaves a subtle impression on people. Certainly, disposition plays an important role especially on matters of faith, but care for the liturgy certainly does help.
It is the venerable tradition of the Church to effect varying degrees of Christological presence. Christ is foremost present in the Eucharist; Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. Nothing else can make Christ present 'in the flesh'. True, Christ is indeed present in the poor as He is in the Sacred Scriptures. However, we need to bear in mind that this a spiritual presence (that do deserve reverent attention as well). However, it is in the Eucharist that the face of Christ is revealed, in the Eucharist is the same Christ who walked the dusty roads of Jeruselem 2000 years ago, in the Eucharist is the love of God made manifest. At the Last Supper, Jesus made the Eucharist- His Body and Blood- which were to be made present for both adoration and spiritual food, the NEW and EVERLASITNG covenent. Effectively, Jesus has never left us. He is with us here today "in the flesh"- in the Eucharist.
There can be no downplay on the Eucharist. It is foolish to think that by downplaying the Eucharistic presence we will be able to focus on other areas of His presence. The Eucharist is the "source and submit of the Christian Faith". From it ALL OTHER GRACES FLOW. We need to return to the dimension of the Sacred, to the Reverence due to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords should we want to receive the graces to live a devout life, fired by the grace of the Holy Ghost- our friend and sanctifier. We need to place 100% emphasis on the Eucharist. Only the Eucharist can humble the hearts and minds of men to see the face of Christ in the midst of our brothers and sisters.
God bless you on your 'neophytian' journey in the Catholic faith!
Yours in the Risen Lord,
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